With enough Bob Dylan and road snacks to last us the week, we headed out of Cairo to the Red Sea coast through the desert. Out of the city, the desert is a breathtaking expanse that lies ahead of you, an adventure waiting to had.

Driver Sara!

Extensive windmill park along the coast.

The road stretched ahead of us, with the
turquoise waters of the Red Sea in and out of view to our left.

The colours of the desert were like a soft watercolour painting, deceptive of the harsh environment that lies beyond.
Chillin in the back!

The southern Red Sea is diver's paradise. Away from the crowds of tourists, the protected marine environments are in excellent condition - the corals are thriving and teaming with schools of tropical fish.

Dive cylinders
and equipment brought to the boats by donkey cart!

Rachel on the dive boat.

The water was the most perfect blue.

View of the
Awlad Baraka Eco-Lodge where we stayed.

Coming up from a
buoyancy check.

Sara and our dive master.

On the boat on the way out to dive on a stunning reef. Great dive!

The Eco-Lodge where we stayed, a really awesome place.

Sunken lounges, the perfect place to relax after a day of diving.
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