First Day in Galapagos!
Arrived in Galapagos this morning and already on our way in were overwhelmed by the birdlife and drastic landscapes. We got a very close up view of the beach as we came in under heavy mist, with less than working engines and magnetic anomalies on the GPS that had us off course! Fun fun. Some pics from the first day, sensitive viewers beware.
Striking red crabs on the pier as we landed onshore.
Entrance to the Charles Darwin Research Station just past the small town of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz where we are anchored.
The ground is teaming with little lizards, locusts and interesting insects I have never seen before!
Baby giant tortoise - a few months old, about 15cm already.
First giant tortoise we saw, at the Research Station. Pretty impressive and quite unfussed by people being around.
Super cool lizards that literally jump around, quite curious and all kinds of colours!

Thought he might be dead at first but turns out he was just sleeping. Still wasnt going to get too close, they are deadly fast! Not really.
Tortoise Porn. No kidding. What was slightly more concerning was that this was apprarently the Male Only enclosure.
And then it just got out of hand. All in slow motion as well.
Land igaunas, very cool.
Siesta, Galapagos style.
The finches in Galapagos are amazing examples of evolution and have all developed incredible traits, mostly seen in their beak variations. Some can break spikes off cacti to spear insects from dead trees, whilst holding the cacti spike in their claws and picking off the flesh. Others even have beaks adapted to drink the blood of seabirds under draught conditions, known as Vamperism. They are super curious and came up really close.
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