Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Beautiful Bhutan

A week in breathtakingly beautiful Bhutan. A country like no other - pristine wildnernis covers most of the country, traditional design is compulsory by law for all buildings, gross national happiness is more important than economic growth, men wear dresses (of sorts) and the rice is red. Tourism is highly regulated (and quite expensive), so a short whirlwind and fully guided tour through Bhutan was both magical and surreal. Battling with super slow internet here in Darjeeling, India now so just a few photos for now, more to come! Above is the fort in Paro that is now government and monasterial buildings, and was our first stop from the airport. Quite typical of a Bhutanese built landscape.

 Buddhism is a way of life for Bhutan - a philosophy of living that permeates everyday actions from community living to environmental stewardship. 

Some of the young monks playing with my camera in a small hilltop village we visited in Punakha. Amazing ecological design, living sustainable agriculture, conservation work by communities and more to follow!

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