Monday, 26 December 2005

New York!

Beautiful New York City, a wonderful place to have Christmas and something completely new for all of us!

On the river tour...

View from our room

Karl & Mom in Central Park

Friday, 16 December 2005


What a fantastic holiday! Some pics from Cancun and around -

The view from our balcony

Fruit juice and jade masks for sale, Isla Mujueres

Friday, 05 August 2005

World Youth Congress (WYC) 2005

Two weeks at the World Youth Congress on Sustainable Development in Stirling, Scotland organised by Peace Child International and with over 600 delegates from across the world! Learnt a lot about what is happening internationally in terms of sustainability, and made some crazy cool friends. Amazing setting as well!

Free Time

Field outing to old coal mines

The golf course at the university (very hazardous game!)

Angela and I at the beautiful lakes we drove past

Angela, Hanif & Kamran

On our very cool roadtrip

and, of course, the tiny car we all crammed into!

At the final dinner with our group.

Angela, Jonas, Kamran & Hanif.

Sunday, 05 June 2005

The Great South African Roadtrip!

Roadtrippin around our beautiful country with great friends and the world's best co-driver, ever. Some photos courtesy of Sara!

Heading out on the open road.

Our rides - White Lightning, Rupert and Mogli.

The first of the cartwheels across the world series.

Car troubles along the way, in a no-getting-out-of-your-vehicle national park.

Sara taking photos :)

Game spotting at lunch.

Springbok biltong, mmmm.

Best driving buddies, ever.


Next stop, Hotazel.


Most beautiful sunsets ever.

Driving through Mapangubwe.

Best views are from the top.

Charlie, Chris and our guide.

Ontop of Mapangubwe Hill.

Fun on the way to the Kruger.

Breakfast, roadtrip style.

Elephant in the Kruger.

Mike, Dave and Jacobus.

Mom and baby.

Skippy, Sara and I overlooking Blyde River Canyon.

Myself, Skippy, Jacobus, Charlie and Sara riding.

Jacobus leading the way with his crazy horse.

What sign?

Most beautiful country in the world.