Friday, 29 April 2011

Reaching Sikles

After reaching the top of Tara Viewpoint (I was too tired to bother about photos, plus a thick mist had come in so we didnt have any views really to mention), we hiked down for another five hours or so through ancient Rodendrum forests. The flowering trees are also the national symbol of Nepal and quite beautiful. These photos dont quite do the forests justice.

Late that afternoon we reached the village of Sikles. A community of about 2,500 Gurung peoples, the village is large community sitting high up at 2,400m. There were not many views with the thick mist sitting in for the next day, but the village was really interesting. Some of the traditional slate is being replace with tin roofs, as they are much lighter to get up to those high altitudes. A new road has opened up a lot more resources for the village, but many villages are still only accessible by footpath and everything you need, you have to be able to carry up your mountain.

Oxen hard at work ploughing the land for the sowing of rice.

Traditional bee hives in cut log.

A grandmother beating wheat from the stalks. Much of the work is still done by hand, and everyone in the village is hard at work doing something.

Our host's daughter, Supiya, excited for her first day of creche.

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

thanks for sharing! i was searching information on sikles, and came across your blog. thanks for the information! i will be heading to the region this september from oregon.