Monday, 09 July 2007

LAD Newsletter IV - Going like a Boeing

Since our last update, we have covered over 2200 miles in just 11 days, flying along beautifully with favourable winds and (up until yesterday) favourable currents as well. We shook out the two reefs in the main on day two, and flew along with full main and jib for ten days, doing over 200 miles every day – unbelievable sailing!!! We are now heading on a rumb line (straight course) for Hawaii with 2000 more miles to go and the Doldrums still ahead of us. We had the spinnaker (big red balloon type sail in the front) up yesterday and were surfing along the swell at up to 13 knots for most of the day (that’s really fast).

The sunsets have been spectacular and Mark saw the elusive green flash one evening, Theo and I are still looking (we are not sure if Mark saw this before or after happy hour). We have been eating like absolute royalty and the guys have been showing off their culinary skills with delicious three course meals (courtesy of Theo) and flambĂ©ed bananas (Mark’s flair). I even made not half bad pizza the other evening!

The Pacific has been amazingly calm, skies mostly clear and the nights breathtakingly beautiful. We haven’t seen anything other than flying fish, a few sea birds and one other vessel (cargo vessel “Destino Dos” with whom we had a very cool conversation over VHF) since leaving Galapagos and the big blue Pacific seems to span endlessly in front of us. As far as fishing goes….nada, we are moving just too damn fast to catch anything at the moment. We are all loving the trip so far, no one has come near to being thrown overboard (yet) and I fear reality will come as a shock when we return home. Two naps a day, leisurely reading and unbelievable sailing, even the midnight watches, have become our norm and I have come to rather enjoy it all!

We had a little trouble with our email connection a few days ago but everything seems to be working again as we get closer to Hawaii. Thanks to everyone for your emails, we love receiving them. Hopefully the next update will be from under a palm tree in Hawaii, sipping pina coladas. Wish us luck on the next half of our sailing, we have some Doldrums to motor through but otherwise the winds look great and we seem set for an unbelievable passage the whole way. Much love from all of us to everyone.

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