Tuesday, 05 June 2007

Crabs, White Tip Reef Sharks & Lava Tunnels

A day around Santa Cruz with our awesome National Park Guide Valorie, saw the most awesome things and learnt an incredible amount about the islands - the history, geology, botany, zoology and fun random facts too. An incredible day!

Trunk of cacti indigenous to Santa Cruz, each of the islands has cacti from the same orginal species which have evolved to the micro climate and habitat of each island.

Berries filled with glue like sap that Pirates used to use to seal their envelopes or even as gel in their hair. Very sticky stuff!

Poisonous apples. They call this area the ´Garden of Eden´ becuase of the forbidden fruit and the non-poisonous snakes that can be found in the forests.

Beautiful turquoise waters against black volcanic rocks. More striking than this photo portrays.

The rocks were covered with massive crabs.

Natural breeding pool for sharks, which Mark felt compelled to snorkel in!

White tip reef sharks in the waters, very curious and peaceful for the most part. About 1.5m.

Shirley & Theo in the estuary inlet.

The mature crabs are a brilliant red colour.

Descendent of the sunflower species, now tall trees that are indigenous to Santa Cruz.

Massive volcanic sink hole, you can see the layers of rock which have been laid down over thousands of years of volcanic action on the island. Some species of plants at the bottom can be found nowhere else in the world.

On the way to the lava tunnels, a little girl from one of the farms was
very proud of her puppies! So almost become a boat-dog :)

Going down into the incredible lava tunnels that were created from
the active volconoes in the archipeligo. Really awesome experience.

About how light it was down there with a few guide lights!

Giant tortoise sanctuary where the tortoises migrate through from
the coastal regions up to the mountains. Sounds like the making a terrible
hissing sound when you come near, but its just the sound of their lungs
compressing as they draw their head and limbs in.

Taking a bath in algae pond with curious finch jumping around.

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